When is a Project “Done”?
When I was in high school, I drew a portrait for an art assignment. I worked on that portrait for weeks. When I received the graded drawing, I was disappointed to see that I did not receive full points (gasp!) and should have increased the contrast for full effect. “A simple fix,” I thought. “I… Read More
Spoiler Alert!
Last week I went to the Utah Opera’s production of Pagliacci and Gianni Schicchi. I’m an avid opera-goer, having seen around 35 live operas. This was just another music and drama-filled Wednesday for me. Before the curtain came up and the lights came down I found myself, along with much of the audience, pouring over the libretto. Inside the… Read More
Why I “Write What I Know”
Think back on your life. Go ahead, I’ll wait. First loose tooth, first day of school, first kiss… done? Welcome back. Now what do you think about the ubiquitous writing advice “write what you know”? I’ve been poking around the internet for a while now and this one is a popular adage for writers to… Read More
I always knew about sign language. For never knowing any deaf people or seeing much sign language it was a peculiar standard to have. In fifth grade my best friend and I poured over an ASL dictionary learning words fifth graders love–fat, sex, and other taboos. My school reference book had the ASL alphabet on… Read More